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Money Maze Podcast 2023 Wrap Up!

Next week, the Money Maze Podcast team is escaping for Christmas & New Year, but before we get away, we wanted to share with you some of the highlights of the last 12 months.
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2023 Honoured Guests

In the last few months, we've hosted a range of highly respected investment industry leaders, including Ray Dalio, David Einhorn, Scott Bessent, Lynn Martin, and many more. We've also welcomed guests from the wider business world, including Bob Bradway of Amgen, Bruce Cleaver of De Beers, John Authers of Bloomberg, and Étienne Bizot of Bollinger Group, and offering geopolitical perspectives, General Petraeus and Mike Pompeo, Former Directors of the CIA.

We also carried our conversations onto our Curated Podcast series, a spin-off show aimed at professional investors. These episodes offer nuanced insights into innovative firms and highly respected investment firms. This year, we hosted OxfordPV and OrganOx, Ruffer, Partners Capital, and Sagard in Canada. We also welcomed TechMet & Balance Legal Capital onto the show. These discussions were as illuminating as they were educational, guiding us through the inception to monetization and execution.  


In November, we partnered with Steve Clapham, the former City analyst who's developed a range of affordable and in-depth courses on forensic accounting, hopefully making you a smarter investor! He has given listeners the chance to acquire a membership at a lower price. Enter MMP10 at checkout to apply the 10% discount. The offer is applicable until December 15th 2023 (tomorrow!). To begin improving your equity research, go here to learn more.

We've been vocal about our passion for elevating women within the finance industry. Because of this, the Money Maze Podcast collaborated with GAIN - Girls  Are  INvestors, in a charitable  partnership scheme from July until October. GAIN is a charity set up by investment professionals with the purpose of improving gender diversity in investment management and educating young women on finance and investment.

Ecosystems & Events

Our growing community has allowed us to put previous guests together, whether it's in cocktails and Q&A with Giles English of Bremont Watches, wine tasting with Bordeaux Index, private dinners with lively exchange of views from previous guests, and a carol concert in aid of, in aid of and in collaboration with Child Bereavement UK in December.

Our mission here at the Money Maze Podcast remains as at the outset, to share, educate, and simplify the world of business and finance for our listeners, be they professionals, or amateurs, or beginners.

In pursuing this, we wanted to make our channel free and accessible to anyone and everyone. So with that in mind…

We extend a huge thank you to our four sponsors, Schroders, Bremont Watches, LiveTrade by Bordeaux Index, and IFM Investors. With their generous support , the Money Maze Podcast has been able to continue growing without a paywall.  

Our audience continues to grow with a number of young and student listeners rising along with our professional audience. Because of this, we now support nine university business & finance societies, hopefully helping the careers of those who want to go into the finance sector. These societies include Durham, Edinburgh, Exeter, York, Leeds, Oxford and Cambridge, Imperial, ODT Capital, Warwick, Columbia and St Andrews.  

Through the Careers Page on our website, we also connect listeners with job vacancies. Here we share the latest jobs offered up by our commercial partners, giving you one easy destination to apply to a variety of roles in the finance sector.

The show has expanded to YouTube too, offering audiences a more interactive visual experience as they watch the full episodes and are able to put faces to the voices they hear. Please be sure to check us out there where we've invested quite a lot, and on all other social media platforms we're on: LinkedIn, Twitter / X, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.

Set Backs & Lessons Learnt

It would of course be disingenuous of us to list our achievements without also highlighting a few of our ‘epic fails’!

There was the time that Simon interviewed Sir Ronald Cohen - he gave a long and fascinating interview…only at the very end for Simon to realise that he forgot to press the record button! Ronald, who is started Apax and is dubbed the ‘father of British venture capital’, was understanding about it

Earlier in 2023, we were excited to feature Salim Ramji, Global Head of iShares at BlackRock. To prepare for the event - and match the asset management giant’s sophisticated Manhattan media studio set up - we bought a couple of posters from VistaPrint to act as props. Unfortunately, not enough blue tac was applied, and our key poster prop fell down.

So, the Money Maze team has, of course, had its ups and downs, more often than not struggling with the technology behind podcast production, but nevertheless, putting forward our greatest efforts to give you the best content that we can provide.

For an insight into some of these mistakes, we’ve put together a Blooper Reel of our favourite “Simon Gets it Wrong” moments caught on camera. You can watch it here!

With that, you've heard more than enough from us for now! We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  

See you in 2024!

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November 28, 2023
November 28, 2023

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