Matt Smith
Investment Director

Adapting to a New Investment Climate - With Matt Smith, Partner and Investment Director at Ruffer

Ruffer contend that positive absolute returns “will not be achievable for most long only investors in the coming market cycle”. To articulate why they believe this, Matt Smith, Partner and Investment Director, explains Ruffer’s origins, before describing their investment strategy in today's new economic cycle.

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Ruffer contend that positive absolute returns “will not be achievable for most long only investors in the coming market cycle”. To articulate why they believe this, Matt Smith, Partner and Investment Director, explains Ruffer’s origins, before describing their investment strategy in today's new economic cycle.

In the episode, Matt explains how they assess this "changed investment climate”, the tools they are using in this environment and how their portfolios are positioned.

In describing themselves as “an alternative to alternatives”, Matt explains how they run a global macro, absolute return strategy (without a benchmark) and how they discuss return expectations with clients.

The conversation covers the sticky nature of the inflation they see persisting, the dangers of hidden leverage, and why a structural market in bonds and equities may characterise the investment landscape for a while. All this whilst seeking positive returns “come rain or shine”.

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