Henry Snaith, Chris Case & David Ward

Transforming Solar Energy - With Oxford PV

Today, this Oxford University spinout, Oxford PV, is reshaping the world of solar, helping to make it more affordable, more mainstream and accelerating the energy transition.

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Today, this Oxford University spinout, Oxford PV, is reshaping the world of solar, helping to make it more affordable, more mainstream and accelerating the energy transition.

We welcome Professor Henry Snaith, Co-Founder and the Binks Professor of Renewable Energy in the Physics Department of the University of Oxford, Dr Chris Case, Chief Technology Officer, and David Ward, CEO.

They explain how and why Oxford PV has developed a low-cost, highly efficient solar photovoltaic technology which integrates with standard silicon solar cells to dramatically improve their performance. 

In turn, they elaborate on the evolution of Oxford PV from laboratory to spinout. They examine the science, the patents, the roll out, the manufacturing and path to profitability and why silicon has reached its scientific limits.

In an illuminating interview they share why this might be the most significant invention within renewable energy and why they are so excited about the future.

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