Harvey Toor, Arjun Raghavan & Adam Watson

Asia: The Multi-Asset Class Opportunity Set – With Partners Capital & Singapore Management University

In this episode, we welcome back Partners Capital, and in a three way conversation, we explore the Asian investment opportunity set.

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In this episode, we welcome back Partners Capital, and in a three way conversation, we explore the Asian investment opportunity set.

The conversation brings together Arjun Raghavan, CEO of Partners Capital, Adam Watson, Partner and Co-Head of Asia Pacific, and to understand the perspective of a seasoned investor and allocator, Harvey Toor, CIO of Singapore Management University (SMU). SMU is a current client of Partners Capital and seed investor in one of its pooled investment portfolios.

Arjun refers back to his comments a year ago of “2 mega trends, which are clear, but this is going to be a bumpy rise, sustainable investing & flow of assets into Asia” and sets the case for the structural opportunities of investing in Asia, but also to reflect on current institutional (under) weights.

Harvey Toor describes the objective of the endowment he oversees, and explains how their investment approach has been constructed along the lines of the Yale Endowment Model. He highlights top-down considerations and why they invested with Partners Capital, given the need for resources, expertise, multi-assets and ‘boots on the ground’.

Adam Watson defines both the geographical spread and the pool of potential investments, which include not only equity and debt, but important allocations to alternatives and private markets. This allows for a discussion on how venture, real estate and hedge funds also offer access to the heterogeneous opportunities across the region (which encompasses 60% of the world’s population).

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