Money Maze Podcast
Helping You Navigate the Investment and Business Maze
Expect tips for mastering capital allocation, making better business decisions, strategies for taking your career to the next level, and revelatory profiles of leading figures in the sector!
James Anderson discusses his view that the normal ways of examining companies 'are no longer valid', how only a small proportion of listed equities deliver significant alpha and his thematic investing priorities in 2025.
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Discover the Maze
Direct, revelatory interviews with the masters of the real life money maze.
Tips for mastering capital allocation, making better business decisions, and expertly navigating common pitfalls on the road to prosperity.
Strategies for taking your career to the next level, inspired by stories from our high-profile guests.

Paul Horvath, CEO of Orchard Global, reflects on capitalising on the growth of significant risk transfer assets (SRTs) in the depths of the GFC, their role for banks & other pools of capital, the impact of increasing banking regulation, and their purpose in a portfolio.
As Featured In

I couldn't quite believe you when you said it was going to be such a pleasant and rewarding affair. I genuinely enjoyed talking to you; you get to hit great balls when you are served well.
“One of the leading investment-themed podcasts in our industry”
This podcast is excellent...thoroughly recommend listening to it (and Simon Brewer’s others in the series!)
The Money Maze Podcast invites proven industry leaders as guests, and Brewer, the show’s host, asks thoughtful questions to draw out relatable stories, investment insights, and incisive opinions. The result is a listening experience full of nuggets you’ll want to screenshot, bookmark, highlight, and share.
Simply excellent. First class guests intelligently interviewed. A "must listen" for anyone interested in economics, finance or just the world we live in. Well done, keep them coming!
We see you as such a periscope onto the outside world, and your interviews provide both current information, and also go back to investigate the past and understand the journeys some of the people have made.
I love the podcast and have got our team listening too! Amazing ladies & gents with their stories and actually talking in plain English about what they do and how they got there helping to de clutter the career maze
“Money Maze Podcast's reach and influence is remarkable. My appearance on the podcast led to far more offers of employment and connectivity that any of my other speaking and media work. Thank you to the team for giving me the opportunity”
“Not often anyone has managed to get me onto the personal side. May this discussion encourage many entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship stories.”
“When I was growing up, there was a company called TRW. They said getting an idea around was as good as getting the idea. And your podcasts get great ideas around. So thank you.”
"Incredible! This has got to be my favourite podcast of all time. Michael's entrepreneurial journey and principles of building are not only remarkable but very refreshing [...] Thanks for sharing this spectacular story and success."
“Well done Simon Brewer. A timely conversation. I listened to the Tait interview yesterday. Wow, what an extraordinary human being he is. Seriously, one of the most impressive interviewees I’ve listened to on your show.”
“Fantastic interview. My first time coming across this channel but will definitely be going through the back catalogue. Great guest and solid questions. Thank you Simon.”
“Great to see serious discussion on fine wine as an asset class on The Money Maze Podcast. Perfect for some light Saturday listening.”
“Just finished watching and dissecting my first episode of this exceptional podcast hosting the legendary Terry Smith.”