Mike Pompeo

Mike Pompeo, Former US Secretary of State & CIA Director, on Geopolitics, Leadership, and the US Economy

In the third and final episode of our 'July With Jen Series', guest hosted by Jen Prosek, we welcome Mike Pompeo onto the show. Mike is the only man to ever have served as both the US Secretary of State (2018-21) and CIA Director (2017-18).

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In this episode, Mike and Jen have a riveting conversation, discussing a range of key geopolitical topics, such as; US-China relations, what to expect from the Ukraine/Russia conflict in light of the recent mutiny, and his hopes for the future of the United States.

He goes on to defend the recent history of US interventionism in the Middle East  - suggesting that it was underpinned by just intentions - before explaining how his experience in business prior to politics helped him truly understand the USA's unique economic advantages.

In addition, Mike discusses how his faith has impacted his outlook on the world, why he preferred working as Director of the CIA over being the Secretary of State under Trump, and how the US media should focus on policy - not just personalities - in its  election coverage. 

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