Pamela Pavkov and Anilu Vazquez-Ubarri

Backing the Next Generation of Underrepresented Alternative Asset Managers - With Pamela Pavkov & Anilu Vazquez-Ubarri of TPG NEXT

In the world of alternative assets, TPG almost needs no introduction. Founded in 1992 by Jim Coulter and David Bonderman, they now manage approximately $139bn in alternative assets. Less well-known is their significant push into backing the next generation of underrepresented alternative asset managers, via TPG NEXT.

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In this conversation, Pamela Pavkov (Partner & Head of TPG NEXT) and Anilu Vazquez-Ubarri (COO), discuss the opportunity to invest with and address what CEO John Winkelried highlights as “the lack of diverse people sitting in the capital allocation seat.”

TPG, along with CalPERS (who are providing $500m of financing), are deploying new capital in an area they believe offers significant potential returns, via their new TPG NEXT unit.

To date, TPG NEXT has backed a number of progressive and diverse funds, including Harlem Capital Partners, VamosVentures and Landspire Group. Founded in 1992, TPG manages $139bn in assets (as of Q2 2023).

In addition to TPG NEXT, TPG’s other impact funds include The Rise Fund, Rise Climate and Evercare. These collectively manage over $17 billion, and were set up in partnership with Bono and Jeff Skoll.

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