Thomas Tull & Joe Lonsdale

China, AI, Entrepreneurship & the US Economy - With Billionaire Investor Thomas Tull & Palantir Co-Founder Joe Lonsdale

In this episode, we welcome two leading entrepreneurs on the show for a detailed discussion on the US economy, geopolitics, tech and careers.

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The episode brings together Joe Lonsdale, Managing Partner of 8VC and Co-Founder of Palantir, and Thomas Tull, Founder of Tulco LLC and Former CEO of Legendary Entertainment. The discussion is moderated by Jen Prosek, Founder of Prosek Partners, who is kindly guest hosting the podcast this month.

The two entrepreneurs offer some thoughtful insights on emerging technologies, AI, synthetic biology, the private and public sectors, as well as the rise of China and America’s response. They also discuss the impact of COVID-19 on supply chains & manufacturing, philanthropy, and leadership. 

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