Suyi Kim

Insights from CPP Investments: Canada’s Largest Pension Fund - With Suyi Kim

Suyi Kim, CPP's Global Head of Private Equity, shares their investment strategy, including their growing allocation to Asia and approach to the climate transition.

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In this interview, we return to Canada. Having interviewed Jo Taylor of OTPP last year, this time we sought out one of the most well-known and successful women in private equity, someone who is also proving to be a huge role model for young women pursuing careers in the investment industry.

Suyi Kim, educated at the University of Seoul and then Stanford, explains the attraction PE had for her as she pivoted from consultancy. She discusses sourcing the deals, when they entered and exited Alibaba, the differences in the opportunities in PE investing across continents, and importantly, how they approach China.

She discusses how PE has changed, why it remains a bottom-up process, the potential for high returns, and why it is an attractive business for young people to consider. Finally; she shares her two most important words: “Be Curious”!

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