Sir Nigel Wilson

Sir Nigel Wilson, CEO of Legal & General, Explains the Opportunities Ahead

In an investing world where the “new thing” can too easily grab investor attention, sometimes it’s the case that an institution, especially one almost 200 years old, may be considered less relevant. So in this episode we welcome on Sir Nigel Wilson, one of the longest serving FTSE 100 CEOs.

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He was knighted for his contributions to finance & regional development, and for running the 2nd largest institutional asset manager in Europe.

In the episode, he discusses the business today, and how it has evolved. He explains their asset management and asset origination, marrying long-term capital with a strategic vision. He also covers their investments in key areas of infrastructure, housing, and the growing pension risk transfer market.

He goes on to explain their approach to inclusive capitalism, their expansion overseas, how the market views their valuation, the stock’s important yield and why he has had such long tenure as a CEO.

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