Sir Chris Hohn

Sir Chris Hohn, Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager & Philanthropist

In this episode we have the rare opportunity to talk to Sir Chris Hohn, one of the world’s most successful hedge fund managers, benefactor of the largest children’s charity (CIFF) and now agitator against corporations who are failing to properly address their climate change transition plans.

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He discusses key mentors plus his early investing experience before launching his hedge fund The Children’s Investment Fund (TCI).He enlightens us on the work undertaken at his charity (CIFF) which highlighted to him the impact climate change was having on poverty, child destitution and destruction of the planet.This evidence has driven Chris to the creation of “Say on Climate” given that companies are responsible for 35% of global emissions. He describes the Say on Climate AGM resolution which requires annual disclosure of emissions, the plan to manage them, and how they will be judged going forward.Finally he talks about the examples set by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, lessons for those early in their careers, and sound advice involving following your passion and thinking about who you want to become. You can also watch the full interview on YouTube. We’d love you to like and subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the YouTube version of the episode!

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