Simon Sebag Montefiore

Simon Sebag Montefiore, Bestselling Author of 'The World: A Family History', Discusses the Power of Family Dynasties

In this episode, bestselling author and historian, Simon Sebag Montefiore, discusses his new book, which covers the key families who have shaped global history.

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His latest work has proven to be a hit, with Henry Kissinger commenting that: ‘Sebag Montefiore interweaves the stories of the servants, courtiers and kings, pioneers, preachers and philosophers who have made history. A brilliant synthesis that will impart fresh insight to even the most learned readers.’

Simon starts the interview by describing Putin’s fascination with Ukraine and the Potemkin era, and continues with the access granted to him to explore the Russian archives to write about Stalin. He explains how the welcome went from warm to frosty after the publication of ‘Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar’.

He then describes the powerful impact of human migration, and influence of powerful families; from the Medicis and Mughals, to the Kennedys, Pahlavis, Kenyattas, Kims and Assads. His work tells the stories of the families that have shaped our world and he brings to light stories unknown to us, including why great families continue exert extraordinary and under-recognised influence.

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