Santiago Iñiguez de Onzoño

Santiago Iñiguez de Onzoño - President of IE University

We welcome Santiago Iñiguez de Onzoño, President of IE University, which is increasingly recognised both for its campus-based, and online MBA, as well as its wider educational programmes. He is one of 500 Global LinkedIn influencers and has been portrayed by the Financial Times as “one of the most significant figures in promoting European business schools internationally”. In today’s episode we’re going to explore the changing landscape of education,its cost/benefit plus its ability to better arm you to get ahead in the evolving commercial world.

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Keep Reading

Santiago talks about IE Business School, why its online MBAs have been ranked no.1 in the world by the FT & Economist for 3 consecutive years and why it is now one of the top 10 business schools globally. Santiago talks about IE’s origins, evolution and ambitions, its WOW learning room (a must see!) and why it was so early in the provision of online education. He talks about the merits of a hybrid campus/online approach to learning and why education is now more important than ever before.Finally he finishes with some great advice about how universities need to rethink their model to attract older students, and some of the compelling attractions of studying in Spain.

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