Rainer Ender

Rainer Ender of Schroders Capital on their $75 Billion Private Assets Business

In this episode, we have a Swiss physicist with a PhD who loves to climb mountains, but is also responsible for the $75 billion private assets business of Schroders Capital.

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Rainer Ender explains their approach, which concentrates on indirect investments, partnering with both large global and small local firms. Its investment philosophy has a central focus on investing “1 step below the mid-market”.

Rainer explains the inefficiencies and opportunities they believe exist in the sub-$2billion market cap space, the lower correlation this segment has to public markets, and why their goal is to “buy well, transform and sell upward”.

He discusses their geographical reach, and explains their core expertise in Europe (which makes up over half of their $20 billion in investments). He provides examples of past investments (from Indian eye care to Revolut in Europe), their client base, the democratisation of private equity, and why PE firms need to continue to improve disclosures and demystify their world.

Interested in working with Schroders Capital? Get in touch here!

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