Per Lekander

How to Make Money in the $275 Trillion* Energy Transition & Can Tesla Survive? - With Per Lekander

In this conversation, Per Lekander, a veteran of the energy space and Founder of Clean Energy Transition LLP, discusses the failings of the wind, solar & EV industries, but also some potentially exciting investment opportunities!

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Whether you’re a believer in the timelines, or sceptical about its urgency, the energy transition is underway, and its ramifications are immense. Both for the climate and for investors, the new order is challenging the old.

In this conversation, Per Lekander - who has over 3 decades of experience analysing energy markets - discusses the opportunities & challenges of the transition for investors.

He evaluates competing energy sources, the rising temperature challenge, the runway ahead for electrification and the changes ahead for autos. 

He expands on his negative view on Tesla, why Mercedes has such a technological edge, changes in battery technology and how he navigates the long and short worlds in his funds.

Clean Energy Transition LLP is a thematic alternative investment management firm focused on fundamental equity investing across global long/short and long only investment strategies.

Its funds were first launched by Partner, Portfolio Manager and CEO, Per Lekander, at Lansdowne Partners (UK) LLP in 2015.

Today, the Firm manages c. US$2.7bn in assets for a diversified institutional client base, seeking to capitalise on the transformational changes occurring in the global energy sector, with a primary goal of delivering superior risk-adjusted returns. 

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