Nicolas Cary

Part 1/2: Blockchain, Crypto Currencies and a New World Order - Nicolas Cary, Co-Founder of

“If you don’t believe it or don’t get it, I don’t have the time to try to convince you, sorry” - Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin Founder. That quotation is attributed to Satoshi Nakamoto, Founder of Bitcoin.

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However, in this two part series we ask the Co-Founder of, Nic Cary, to explain what’s going on in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and the story of his company, which sits at the epicentre of these enormous plate shifts.Not surprisingly he’s our youngest guest so far, a digital native and when he visited me a few weeks back to discuss his business (courtesy of a mutual contact, James Peterson), I worried it could be like Samuel P. Huntington’s book; ‘The Clash Of Civilizations: And The Remaking Of World Order’.Nic starts by explaining the potency and reach of the blockchain technology, its uses and ability to transform many of the activities undertaken daily. He then discusses the emergence of cryptocurrencies and contrasts Ethereum with Bitcoin, other “protocols” and what a digital wallet really means.He discusses the thinking behind creating his company,, some of its high profile backers, and the emerging institutional interest in this space. He talks about why some of the world’s legendary investors like Stan Druckenmiller and Alan Howard have invested in crypto, before debating the gold v crypto issue.

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