Justin Byam Shaw

Building a Charity, Buying The Independent Newspaper & Facing Tragedy - With Justin Byam Shaw, Founder of The Felix Project

In this different podcast for us, we talk to Justin Byam Shaw, who set up The Felix Project in 2016 after facing family tragedy. The charity redistributes surplus food (that would otherwise go to waste) from 539 suppliers and delivers it to almost 1,000 charities, primary schools and holiday programmes.

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Justin starts by describing his own career following Oxford University, his first early success, building and selling a media business, through to buying The Independent - a then failing newspaper - and turning it into the huge success it is today.

The conversation then pivots to The Felix Foundation and its genesis. Justin describes the acute food waste problem in this country and the vast food poverty which surrounds us. He explains the supply and demand dynamics of food waste, the logistical challenges they have overcome, and the ways in which both organisations and people can help every day.

Finally, Justin offers thoughts on the shifting sands in the world of media, advice for young people considering becoming entrepreneurs, and why good management is often more valuable than a new idea.

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