Joanne Holden

Helping Institutional Investors Invest With Confidence - With Jo Holden, Mercer's Global Head of Investment Research & Consulting

In the final episode of our Super Allocator miniseries, we speak with Joanne Holden, Global Head of Investment Research & Consulting at Mercer, the world’s largest investment adviser.

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Keep Reading

In our recent discussions with some of the world’s super allocators, we have heard about their investment objectives and varying approaches to asset allocation.

In this episode, Jo explains why a fascination with maths led her to actuarial work and then to investment consulting, and working for over two decades at Mercer.

She explains why investing institutions need consultants, how they use them, and how they approach the world of asset allocation and manager selection.

She also discusses, the issues around sustainability, manager analysis, and more broadly glass ceilings, resilience, and advice for young people thinking about finance.

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