Dame Kate Bingham

Dame Kate Bingham on Healthcare VC, Biotech & Leading the UK's COVID-19 Vaccine Taskforce

In this much anticipated interview, we're thrilled to feature Dame Kate Bingham, Managing Partner of SV Health Investors and former Chair of the UK Vaccine Taskforce.

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The conversation begins with a high level overview of the immense changes that are taking place in the world of medical research which have allowed us to move from treating symptoms to changing the way the body works.

Kate describes the various leaps forward across medical conditions and the role SV Health Investors is playing to facilitate this. She discusses their approach, challenges, opportunities and the skills needed to improve the odds of success.

She then talks about research excellence, the hurdles in building large biotech enterprises and what the future industry landscape may look like.

The conversation then switches to her role as Chair of the Vaccine Taskforce, set up in April 2020 under Boris Johnson to co-ordinate the creation and distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine (both in the UK and internationally). She reflects on the obstacles encountered and path to the successful execution of the group’s objectives.

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