Anthony Dalwood

Anthony Dalwood, CEO of Gresham House

Tony Dalwood studied Economics and Accounting at Bristol University and then Management and Business at Cambridge, where he took his post graduate degree and won a Blue playing Rugby. He then played Rugby for Saracens and Rosslyn Park, before his journey into Asset Management.

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He talks of his career, beginning as a value-orientated equity manager, and his transition into the world of private equity, at that stage, an embryonic asset class. He discusses his subsequent roles as CEO of Schroder Ventures (London), and work as Chairman of the London Pensions Fund Authority Investment Panel.

The conversation moves to life as CEO of Gresham House, a quoted company investing in alternative assets. He discusses real asset investing, describing the investment characteristics and approach to investing in Forestry, New Energy, Housing and Infrastructure.

He then talks of today’s narrow equity markets, some of the parallels with the situation 20 years ago, and of today’s equity market disenchantment with the approach to value investing. Finally he discusses small cap investing in the UK, the challenges facing public markets and the likely composition of portfolios in the future.

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