Anastasia Titarchuk

The New York State Common Retirement Fund - With Anastasia Titarchuk, CIO

As we continue exploring the world’s “super-allocators”, we’re learning how different they are in approach and dispersed in investment decisions.

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In this episode we examine these questions through the prism of one of the largest US public pension plans, The New York State Common Retirement Fund, with over $250 billion in assets and more than one million members (as of 31/03/22).

Anastasia explains her switch, after several years, from sell-side to buy-side, and from private to public. She discusses why the Fund is widely regarded as one of the nation's best-managed and best-funded pension plans, their objectives, restrictions and where and how they prefer active over passive.

She describes the infrastructure component, real assets, PE and overseas investing as well as why emerging managers are considered an important element in their portfolio construction.  Finally, she acknowledges the limitations that come with managing such a large pool of capital in terms of mobility when compared to an endowment, but equally explains their reach, reputation and results.

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