Tamer Ozmen
CEO of Mintus

Tamer Ozmen, CEO of Mintus, Discusses the Fast-Growing World of Art Investing

In this episode, with Tamer Ozmen, CEO of Mintus, we have the opportunity to discuss Mintus’s approach to investing in the art market, through their FCA authorised fractionalisation platform.

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In this episode, with Tamer Ozmen, CEO of Mintus, we have the opportunity to discuss Mintus’s approach to investing in the art market, through their FCA authorised fractionalisation platform.

Tamer describes his earlier experience with Priceline, Orange, and then as CEO of Microsoft Turkey, and how those formative lessons led to the genesis of Mintus.

He describes art as an asset class, its long term drivers and behaviours, supply and demand changes, as well as the growth in demand for private assets. He also speaks about the technology itself which allows for fractionalisation and creating the market place to combine buyers and sellers.

Tamer then describes the investment process that leads to the selection of artists and their paintings, the disciplines and requirements around valuation and the steps to ensure authentication and quality.

Finally, he describes the significance of key board members like Tad Smith and Brett Gorvy as well as Martin Slendebroek who bring gravitas, decades of art insights and credibility to this exciting venture.

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