Robert Rothkopf
Managing Partner of Balance Legal Capital

Litigation Finance: An Overview of a Growing Asset Class (2021)

Litigation finance is a small but growing industry, proving to be an attractive opportunity for investors looking for a new uncorrelated alternative asset class.Over the past five years, the UK litigation finance market has doubled, with total assets under management in the sector now worth £2 billion (up from £1 billion in 2016/17). Given this growth, it’s not surprising that private equity and venture capital investors are increasingly interested in the space.

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Litigation finance is a small but growing industry, proving to be an attractive opportunity for investors looking for a new uncorrelated alternative asset class.Over the past five years, the UK litigation finance market has doubled, with total assets under management in the sector now worth £2 billion (up from £1 billion in 2016/17). Given this growth, it’s not surprising that private equity and venture capital investors are increasingly interested in the space.

To understand more, we were pleased to be joined by Robert Rothkopf, Managing Partner of Balance Legal Capital. He set up the firm in mid-2015 and is supported by litigation titans like Lord David Gold and Ian Terry.The firm is pioneering the development of the industry in the UK and internationally, being ranked by Chambers and Partners 2021 in both the UK and APAC regions.

Balance Legal Capital is also listed in this year’s Legal 500 as a key player in UK litigation funding.It is also a proud member and supporter of the Association of Litigation Funders (ALF). The ALF is an independent body that has been charged by the Ministry of Justice with delivering self regulation of litigation funding in England and Wales.Please enjoy and listen to our insightful discussion above to learn more about this fascinating sector, and discover where opportunities may lie.For any further information or follow up questions please email

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