Hugo Llewelyn

Investing in Essential UK Social Infrastructure - With Hugo Llewelyn, CEO of Newcore Capital

In this interview, Hugo explains why he established Newcore 13 years ago, explaining its purpose and approach. He outlines why the specific opportunities afforded by investing in UK social infrastructure offers the potential of strong returns, allied to prudent capital management.

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In this interview, Hugo explains why he established Newcore 13 years ago, explaining its purpose and approach. He outlines why the specific opportunities afforded by investing in UK social infrastructure offers the potential of strong returns, allied to prudent capital management.

Hugo discusses the demand drivers, as the appetite for education, healthcare, waste management and even crematoria continues to grow (in line with rising populations & public sector spending).

He describes the dislocations in supply, and the headwinds faced by many operating in the real estate and infrastructure space, who employed too much leverage and are struggling to adjust to an environment of higher rates.

Hugo then describes how “virtual-resistant” real estate is vital as the internet continues to change consumption trends, why investing with a strong eye is good to governance & sustainability, and their guiding principles (underscored by their B-Corp status)

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