Daniel Avigad

Lansdowne's European Long Only Equity Fund - with Daniel Avigad

In this Money Maze Podcast curated discussion, we explore Lansdowne Partners’ European Long Only Equity Fund with Daniel Avigad, its manager.Daniel has been with Lansdowne Partners since 2006, and has achieved striking results in a concentrated, large cap portfolio, investing in European and UK stocks.Daniel’s modest and quiet passion for the opportunities he and his team have identified shine through in this conversation.

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In this Money Maze Podcast curated discussion, we explore Lansdowne Partners’ European Long Only Equity Fund with Daniel Avigad, its manager.Daniel has been with Lansdowne Partners since 2006, and has achieved striking results in a concentrated, large cap portfolio, investing in European and UK stocks.Daniel’s modest and quiet passion for the opportunities he and his team have identified shine through in this conversation.

He explains the approach of seeking long-term investments in European equities based on deep diligence, fundamental analysis and active engagement.He describes the library of knowledge accumulated, their approach to meeting management teams - and presenting them with potential routes and opportunities - and how this can make allies of the companies in which they invest.

Daniel explains their approach to capital cycles, leading to a discussion on the key themes of digitisation, decarbonisation and electrification. He talks about some of the key investments they own, the excellence residing in capital goods in Europe, the challenges of ESG, and why the potential for compelling returns may reside more in Europe than is the general consensus.

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