Chris Dale

Kintbury Capital's Long/Short European Equity Strategy - With Chris Dale, CIO & Founder

There is a growing recognition that the term “hedge funds”, rather than being an asset class, instead represents a range of approaches to access very different investment opportunities.

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There is a growing recognition that the term “hedge funds”, rather than being an asset class, instead represents a range of approaches to access very different investment opportunities.

Here at the Money Maze Podcast, we think that a better way of viewing them is through the lens of how a proven manager or style can help deliver a different, and less correlated, set of returns.

In this Money Maze Curated edition, we welcome Chris Dale, a seasoned investor in this space with an impressive long-term track record. He explains Kintbury’s approach, which offers an exposure to a universe of listed UK and European companies without having the market risk or beta.

Chris explains how they identify short and long opportunities, including why they shorted Wirecard, why they have been long on Novo Nordisk for many years and the egregious price inflation in luxury goods.

He then explains their warning flags on the short side, and how sustained cash generation sits high on their list of priorities for their long investments.


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