Craig Marshall, Peter Friend & Constantin Coussios
OrganOx - The Oxford University Spin-Out Revolutionising Organ Donation

In this Curated podcast, we meet with the Co-Founders and CEO of OrganOx, an Oxford University spin-out that is quickly penetrating the world of medtech. Its success has led it to be at the forefront of changing the way donor organs are preserved in the critical time between donation and transplantation.


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In this Curated podcast, we meet with the Co-Founders and CEO of OrganOx, an Oxford University spin-out that is quickly penetrating the world of medtech. Its success has led it to be at the forefront of changing the way donor organs are preserved in the critical time between donation and transplantation.

Amazing as it may seem, methods of preserving organs have changed little in the last 30 years, however OrganOx has spent over a decade developing a radically different approach, such that observers have referred to it as a “Lifeline for livers”, and a “dream machine”, with further potential applications.

Peter Friend, Professor of Transplantation at Oxford University, and Constantin Coussios, Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Oxford University, both co-founders, explain their work in combining a reappraisal of the medical challenge with the engineering approach undertaken to find a solution for a very real unmet medical need.

They are joined by Craig Marshall, CEO of OrganOx (previously MD of the Siemens magnet technology business), who explains why FDA approval launches the company onto a new plane, as well as other potentially compelling opportunities for the company. He discusses the journey from invention to monetisation, the revenue inflection point ahead, the market opportunity, board composition, and the excitement they share about the future.

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